


Takei, M. and Takeshima, M. (2008). Phase diagram for once-reinforced random walks on trees with exponential weighting scheme, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78, 3000--3007.

Sugimine, N. and Takei, M. (2007). On the traversable length inside semi-cylinder in 2d supercritical bond percolation, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 47, 153--167.
Project Euclid

Takei, M. (2006). A note on anisotropic first-passage percolation, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 46, 903--912,
Project Euclid

Sugimine, N. and Takei, M. (2006). Remarks on central limit theorems for the number of percolation clusters, Publ. RIMS, 42, 101--116.
EMS publishing house

Higuchi, Y. and Takei, M. (2004). Some results on the phase structure of two-dimensional Widom-Rowlinson model, Osaka J. Math., 41, 237--255.
Project Euclidよりダウンロード可能)


竹居正登,今野紀雄.(2008). 複雑ネットワーク上の確率モデル,日本ロボット学会誌, 26-1, 10--14.

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京都大学学術情報リポジトリ 紅(くれなゐ)よりダウンロード可能)

Takei, M. (2007). AB percolation, The COE Seminar on Mathematical Sciences 2005, Seminar on Mathematical Sciences, 36, 49--74, Keio University.


Takei, M. (2005). Limit theorems for percolation, Doctoral dissertation, Kobe University.
神戸大学附属図書館 デジタルアーカイブよりダウンロード可能)


Higuchi, Y., Takei, M., and Zhang, Y. ; Scaling relations in two-dimensional Ising percolation, in preparation.

Higuchi, Y., Takei, M., and Zhang, Y. ; Basic techniques in two-dimensional critical Ising percolation with investigation of scaling relations, preprint, arXiv:1010.1586

Takei, M. ; Some remarks on supercritical behaviors in first-passage percolation, preprint.

Takei, M. ; Another proof of the martingale convergence theorem, preprint.

Keane, M. and Takei, M. ; Percolation in lattices with large holes, Research Report KSTS/RR-07/006, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University.